Brazil Nuts

Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are large and oblong, when you crack open the tough shells, they are known to have smooth texture and buttery taste. They come from the Bertholletia excelsa tree, which grows in the Amazon rainforest.


Brazil Nuts Health Benefits

Brazil nuts are a great source of selenium, a powerful mineral that benefits anti-aging. In addition to selenium, it also has other micronutrients such as copper, zinc, and magnesium.

Selenium helps to keep thyroid and your immune system healthy. Nutrition expert suggest that eating just two brazil nuts a day can help to maintain or increase selenium intake.

It contains high levels of healthy fats, monounsaturated fats that can improve your cholesterol levels.

Eating too much, even of a good thing like Brazil nuts is not recommended so moderation is the key. You shouldn’t eat Brazil nuts more than two nuts a day because they’re high in selenium, calories and fat.




How to Store Brazil Nuts?

You can get Brazil nuts in grocery stores, store them in dry cool place for up to a month. If you want to store them longer put them in a container and keep it in refrigerator or freezer.

How to Prepare them?

You can eat Brazil nuts plain since it is delicious as is. You can roast and sprinkle them on a salad or add them to energy balls, cookies, etc.

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