9 Best Exercises To Add To Your Daily Routine

9 Best Exercises To Add To Your Daily Routine

We all know that regular exercise is beneficial to our health. However, with so many options and seemingly limitless information available, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by what works.

Check out these 9 exercise names for ultimate fitness. Combine these exercises and a healthy diet into a routine for a workout that is simple but effective. If you have any health issues you should consult with your doctor before starting any new exercises.




Abdominal Crunch

30-40 counts

Bend Over Row

Use light weight dumb-bells, 20-30 counts per day


Hold your hip on bridged pose for 10-20 seconds, 30-30 counts per day

Hip Thrusts

20-30 counts




20-50 seconds of plank for 15 counts

Push Ups




1. Squatting with or without Weights

The squat is the king of all exercises. You will develop core strength and build a stronger body. 60-70 reps of squats will improve your joint flexibility, mobility, and strength. This lower body movement primarily works and strengthens the glute, hips, quads, hamstrings, and, indirectly, the abs. Squats, like planks, will work your entire body and core.


2. Lunges

The walking lunge is an excellent, simple tool for improving lower-body strength, postural awareness, and balance. 10 counts of lunges on each side in a day.

how to do lunges

Place your hands on your hips and stand with your feet close together. Maintaining a neutral spine and hands on your hips, take a step forward, bending your front knee to a 90-degree angle and dropping your front thigh until it is parallel to the ground. Your back knee drops straight down behind you, and you balance on your toes to create a 90-degree angle in your knee joint and a straight line from your spine to your bottom knee.

3. Push-ups

Pushups are one of the most basic, yet effective, bodyweight exercises you can do since they stimulate so many muscles. 20-30 counts of push-ups daily will improve your strength and power.


Lie face down on the ground. Place your hands slightly outside of your shoulders, parallel to your collarbone, and your fingertips parallel to your shoulder blades. Ensure that your elbows are at 45 degrees to your torso. Put both of your feet on your tiptoes.

Raise your hips and legs off the floor. You should have a small arch in your lower back. Push into the ground with your arms extended. Bend your arms and lower your body in a single plane.

4. Planks

Planks are a great technique to work your abdominal muscles as well as your entire body. Planking helps to maintain your core without putting strain on your back. 30-60 secs of plank for at least 15 counts in a day will help to strengthen your core muscles


Lie face down on the ground with your elbows by your sides and your feet on your toes, and fold your hands directly behind your chin.
Raise your body to a horizontal position while maintaining a little arch in your lower back. Your spine should be long and your shoulder blades should be flat.

5. Bridge

Hold your hip on a bridged pose for 10-20 secs, 30 – 40 counts a day.


Your knees should be bent and your feet should be flat on the floor. Bend your elbows to 90 degrees, hands facing the ceiling, and maintain a tiny arch in your lower back that does not touch the ground. Push your hips and ribs up toward the ceiling using your upper arms, shoulders, and feet. Hold your hip on a bridged pose for 10-20 secs. Return to your original location.

6. Abdominal Crunches exercise

The abdominal crunch is a core muscle group exercise that targets the abdominal muscles. 30-40 counts of abdominal crunches in a day.


While resting flat on the ground, place your hands behind your head. Keep your spine long by bending your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor. Keep your spine long by pressing your lower back into the ground. Exhale as you contract your abdominal muscles and push your upper back off the ground and slightly forward.

7. Dumbbell rows exercise

Another complex exercise that builds many muscles in the upper body is dumbbell rows. Make sure you’re squeezing at the top of the movement with a moderate-weight dumbbell.


Hold a dumbbell in each hand. For beginners, we recommend no more than ten pounds. Bend forward at the waist to create a 45-degree angle between your back and the ground. Make sure you’re not arching your back. Allow your arms to hang down straight. Make sure your neck and back are aligned, and your core is engaged.
Bend your right elbow and draw the weight straight up toward your chest, making sure to activate your lats, stopping just below your chest. Repeat a minimum of 20-30 counts per session.

8. Side Lunges

Side lunges, are also known as lateral lunges work multiple muscle groups throughout your lower body. 10 counts of side lunge on each side daily will strengthen your lower body.


Pull your hips back and keep your spine neutral as you take a 180-degree side step. To maintain balance, extend your arms as your chest pulls forward and your hips pull back. When your step ping leg is parallel to the floor, you should come to a complete stop. Your hips should be behind the stepping foot, and your knees should not surpass the line of your toes and the top of the foot. Step Return to starting position by pinging the leg backward.

9. Pelvic Lift Exercise

30-40 counts of pelvic lifts. Pelvic tilts are a type of exercise that involves extremely small spinal motions that strengthen the muscles that support the low back, particularly the abdominals.

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. The natural curve of your lumbar spine will lift your lower back slightly off the floor in this neutral position.
Take a deep breath out and gradually sway your hips toward your head. You’ll feel your lower back pressing against the floor as you do this.
Take a few deep breaths here. Inhale and return to your neutral position when you’re ready.
Perform 5–10 reps.

References & Further Reading

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